Configurable Trainline Ticket Exchange and Cancellation for Admins

Admins now have the ability to enable or disable Trainline ticket exchange orcancellation within the admin panel. This empowers TMC to determine whetherend users can modify or return Trainline tickets, adapting to the specific needsof TMC or their client companies.

In-Cart Passport Selection for Multiple Passports

We introduced an update that streamlines the booking process for travelerswith multiple passports in their profiles. Previously, the default passport wasautomatically selected for bookings. This could be inconvenient for travelerswho need to choose a different passport by going to the Personal Setting page. Travelers can now select the most appropriate passport directly on the cartpage […]

Recently used destinations on Quick Search

To simplify the booking process, we now suggest travel destinations based onhistorical data in Quick Search. Suggestions consist of bookings made mostrecently and the most frequently chosen destinations. How does it look in the app?

Two Factor Authentication Management for Admins

We deployed the addition of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to our platform,significantly enhancing the security of the platform. 2FA adds an extra layer ofprotection by requiring a second verification step beyond your password whenlogging in. With this new functionality will enable to turn on this functionality onthe user profile level in the admin panel. If You […]

Disabling Personal Credit Cards as a Payment Method

We have introduced a new feature that empowers administrators to managepersonal credit card usage within the organization. This provides increasedcontrol over booking expenses and ensures all travel expenses are routedthrough authorized company cards.

Enhanced Data Privacy: Traveler PersonalInformation Masking

Following our constant commitment to enhanced data security, we’veintroduced a new feature for admins. Now, certain sensitive information intraveler profiles, like private addresses, will be masked for users withoutediting permissions. Travelers can still view their complete information inpersonal settings. This feature is configurable at the company level in CoreManagement.

Interactive City & Point of Interest Search with aMap View

We have added a new visual enhancement to the map displaying searchresults. A new red pin will appear on the map, located precisely within the cityboundaries. Hovering with mouse over the pin will reveal a helpful tooltip withadditional information. Additionally, searching for specific points of interest, like an address or hotel,will also display a new […]

Admin-Controlled Local Tax Transparency for Hotels

We enabled local tax configuration for TMC admins to manage local taxtransparency for hotels. With this new update it allows to control how local taxinformation is displayed in Goelett, independent of iAlbatros settings. Travelers will now benefit from upfront clarity on potential tax implications(whether tax is included in the accommodation fare or not), leading to […]

Send as PDF Button Updated on Hotel Voucher

This new feature enhances the user experience by dynamically controlling theavailability of the “Send as PDF” button in the trip cart. The button will nowautomatically:• Hide: When the voucher email template is disabled in the mailing manager(including inherited settings from TMC).• Show: When the voucher email template is enabled in the mailing manager.This ensures the button is […]

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