Traveller mobile phone business unit in PNR editor
Missing traveller mobile phone & business unit have been added to the template elements dropdown in the PNR Editor in the admin panel. Improves automatization process and replaces manual process.
Room type replaced by room name on voucher
We have resolved a room type discrepancy reported by customers regarding the information displayed on the voucher. Some of the rooms provided by suppliers are very unique and very hard to define the room type. In this case, we displayed it as undefined. Now instead of that, we display the room name provided by providers.
Anonymization of data for inactive users on trips and cart views
We have added the ability to anonymize data for inactive users on trips and cart views. This feature allows the hiding of first names, last names, and emails of inactive users from the application. Additionally, redirection to inactive user profiles and tooltips has been disabled on the cart view. Anonymization is controlled through a new […]
Restrict selection of arranger as approver for guest creation
With the addition of a new checkbox on the guest creation form, it is now possible to block the selection of the logged-in user as the approver for a created guest. When the checkbox is checked for a specific company, the currently logged-in user will be filtered out from the available options on the arranger’s […]
Blocked users feature enhancement
The application now displays a clear information if a profile is blocked, eliminating any ambiguity for administrators. Secondly, we have empowered administrators with the ability to unblock users directly from the admin panel, eliminating the need for manual intervention in the database. With these improvements, managing user access and resolving blockages is now more efficient […]