Product releases and changelog

Latest updates in Goelett

Explore the most recent changes, updates, and new features introduced in the Goelett app. Stay informed about our ongoing improvements, designed to enhance the user experience and optimize the application’s performance

Admin PanelDesktopImprovementTransportation booking flowTravel

Online post-ticketing cancellation improvement

With this latest enhancement to the Admin Panel, Admins have the capability to enable Online Ticket Cancellation (OTC) directly within the platform, as well as set a specific timeframe before departure within which the cancellation feature can be activated. Admins can now adjust this setting based on TMC unique operational needs and ...
Admin PanelDesktopImprovementSBT APITravel

Improved Traveller Request Management for Admins

We made an update to the Traveller Request Management feature, providing admins with greater visibility and control over traveller SBT API requests. This enhancement introduces a new screen accessible to admins with the “CanManageProfiles” privilege, enabling them to review the details of the three most recent traveller SBTI API requests, including creation, ...

Request a demo

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Explore how our online booking solution can enhance travel management at your company.

If you have any questions about your booking, please contact our dedicated team at

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