[User profiles] SSO ID now visible in Personal Settings

With this update, users now have access to SSO-related information in their profile settings under “General Data”. This enhancement not only provides users with valuable information but also aids in facilitating technical support and related interactions. Where to find this information?Admin Panel/Settings/Directory Settings/Profiles

Enhanced user search and role deletion

The user search in Associete Roles & Pools had limitations, displaying only 20 results and allowing search by name only, while deleting custom roles triggered multiple pop-ups.We improved the user search functionality by expanding search options to include role names and increasing the number of displayed search results. Furthermore, we streamlined the role deletion process […]

Active travellers visible for travel arrangers

In certain cases, when editing a guest’s information or modifying the GuestExpiration in the Configuration Tool or Personal Settings, the associated role’s ValidTo date was not being updated. As a result, travel arrangers were unable to locate active travellers within the system.We have implemented enhancements to ensure that changes made to the GuestExpiration now correctly […]

Blocked users feature enhancement

The application now displays a clear information if a profile is blocked, eliminating any ambiguity for administrators. Secondly, we have empowered administrators with the ability to unblock users directly from the admin panel, eliminating the need for manual intervention in the database. With these improvements, managing user access and resolving blockages is now more efficient […]

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