Search by pool on Associate Roles & Pools

We’ve improved user search within Associate Roles & Pools. Now users can search by pool name, in addition to user or role name. Results are displayed in pages of 20 with a “Show More” button for easy navigation. A new counter helps to track the total number of users found.

Streamlined Invitation Sending with New Feature

To simplify the process of sending invitation to Goelett via emails, the “Send Invitations” feature in new user interface has been created. This update streamlines the workflow and makes selecting recipients more efficient for admins.

Searching Roles by “right” for Admin

We have introduced a new feature that empowers administrators to search for roles based on their associated rights.  With this new search option, administrators can effortlessly identify roles that possess specific rights by simply entering the role name or right name in the search bar. The system will then display a list of matching roles, […]

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