Enabling air/train comparison search via quick search widget
By introducing the air/rail feature in the quick search widget, users can now easily access this comparison search for flights and trains without the need to navigate through the extended search option. This enhances the user experience, making it more convenient and efficient to find the best travel options.
Setting default departure and return hours for rail service
With this latest update, administrators can now easily set default departure and return hours for rail services. You’ll find these options conveniently located under the ‘Transport Providers Configuration’ tab, within the newly added ‘General’ section under the rail tab.
[PAO] Seatmap selection for TGV 1st class fare
We have introduced an upgraded feature for TGV first-class fares that allows travellers to select seats directly from a seating map. This enhancement provides passengers with the opportunity to customize their travel experience by choosing seats that align with their preferences, whether it’s proximity to the window, aisle, or specific amenities (passengers now have access […]
Updated booking status for rejected webfare
Customers experienced confusion when booking services with webfares that couldn’t be confirmed. The booking status incorrectly remained confirmed, leading to user confusion, data inaccuracies, and potential operational inefficiencies. We have addressed this issue, ensuring that the booking status now accurately reflects the rejection of webfares.
Mixed services booking cancellation Error Fixed
This improvement is designed to streamline the booking process for trips that consist of multiple services, including rail, hotel, and car rentals. This feature aims to optimize the user experience by allowing instant ticketing for rail services while providing an approval flow for the entire trip. In cases where a trip is rejected during the […]