Enhanced community field validation for user profiles
We have improved the validation of community fields in user profiles to ensure data accuracy and compliance with company-specific settings. For companies that have enabled the CommunityRequiredForUsers parameter, the community field is now treated as mandatory. This means that if a community value is not provided or the provided value is not valid, an error […]
Improved phone and mobile number handling in SBT and Goelett APIs
We have enhanced the handling of phone and mobile numbers in the SBT and Goelett APIs. Previously, these APIs used the same validation rules as the user interface, which did not allow spaces in phone and mobile numbers. To address this, the APIs now automatically convert phone and mobile number values to the expected format, […]
Rail discount and loyalty card validation
Goelett now validates rail discount and loyalty cards to ensure accurate fares during each booking. When a traveler adds or updates a card in their profile, our system automatically validates the card details. If the traveler hasn’t recently updated their card, it will be validated when they book a fare that requires it. If the […]
Automated passport details for Eurostar bookings
Goelett now automatically adds passport details to Eurostar bookings made through the Trainline API, streamlining the process and ensuring compliance with the UK law. If a traveler has stored passport details in their Goelett profile, the system retrieves and sends this information to Eurostar automatically. If no passport details are stored, the traveler is prompted […]
Hotel vouchers autosave
Hotel vouchers, once opened, are now automatically stored on the device enabling offline access.
Mandatory Community Field Configuration Update
We have updated the configuration for the mandatory community field to provide a more centralized and consistent experience. The option to make the community field mandatory for profiles and guests has been moved from the Guest Configuration screen to the Personal Settings configuration screen. This change provides a single location for managing this setting. This […]
Improved Analytical Field Validation in Imports
Goelett has updated the validation process for analytical fields during imports to provide more accurate and informative warning messages. Previously, if an import file contained an analytical field that existed in Goelett but was created in a context different from the traveler context, a generic warning message was displayed. This message has been revised to […]
Enhanced Hotel Search via Dashboard Widget
The hotel search functionality within the Goelett dashboard widget has been enhanced to provide greater flexibility and convenience. Users can now search for hotels by typing in a specific hotel name instead of just a location. This feature, powered by Google Maps inventory, makes it easier to find and book desired hotels directly from the […]
Improved Refund Handling for Train Bookings
Goelett has implemented a new process for handling refunds on train bookings to prevent potential fraudulent behavior with refunded tickets being used for travel. When a traveler requests a refund for a train ticket shortly before their departure date, the refund will now be delayed until after the train has reached its destination. This helps […]
Expanded Sabre Offline Import Functionality for Hotels
We have expanded Sabre offline import capabilities to read those created for hotels. In addition to current functionalities for offline bookings done by Sabre agents, like air, rail and car, users can now import hotel bookings made offline and see them in Goelett. This improves process of managing and tracking all travel reservations. This enhancement […]