Is dashboard customizable?

Yes, each user can personalize their dashboard widgets. If users don’t need to use some widgets, they can hide them from their dashboard. How to set it up?It is possible by clicking “Edit widgets” on the bottom left side of the main dashboard. The side panel will appear, where the individual components can be adjusted […]

What are roles in Goelett?

Proin ornare tincidunt lectus eu volutpat. Nunc vel elit imperdiet, tincidunt nunc ac, egestas mauris. Curabitur elementum eros eget odio sagittis gravida. Cras pulvinar molestie rutrum. Fusce vitae nulla eget ex mollis sodales in non nulla. Sed consequat lacus nec porttitor ultrices. Integer eget augue vel quam mollis pharetra. Ut eu neque a mi aliquam […]

How to set up my account?

Proin elementum nisl orci, vitae dictum justo laoreet non. Praesent ac risus volutpat, dictum mauris vel, posuere quam. Etiam et nibh sit amet diam auctor tincidunt. Vestibulum ut urna ut lectus pellentesque interdum porttitor at sem. Cras varius auctor vehicula. Donec mattis lectus nec porttitor facilisis. Ut aliquam venenatis lectus. Vivamus magna nulla, vestibulum eu […]

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