Agency contact information improvements

Previously the whole agency’s information was retrieved based on the contactsinheritance. All data in the agency info popup was displayed based on their ownconfiguration as it was not inherited from the TMC. Now agency data such asname and address come from TMC configuration (not the inheritance), andcontact info (email, phone) is displayed based on the […]

New CSV and FTP Imports Engine

By timely phasing out old imports and introducing new ones, we ensure thatour customers always have access to the best products. Trust us to provide youwith exceptional quality and service. If you have any questions contact yourcustomer support or account manager

Simplified Ticket Exchange Management for TMC Admins

We have introduced a new feature that empowers TMC admins with centralizedcontrol over post-ticketing modification functionalities. Admins can now easilyenable or disable ticket exchange for GDS directly from the Admin Panel.Previously, enabling and disabling Sabre or Amadeus ticket exchange optionwas hidden behind feature flags and managed by the Product outside ofGoelett admin panel. Note: By […]

Improved Multi-Passenger Cancellation Experience for Deutsche Bahn

We have enhanced the cancellation process for multi-passenger bookings withDeutsche Bahn offers. Due to the carrier’s limitation users cannot cancel asingle passenger’s segment within such bookings. Now, a clear messageinforms users that canceling a segment impacts all passengers, and checkboxes automatically reflect this for one-way trips where applicable.

Fixed Error Messaging for Duplicate Travelfusion Bookings

We have improved the booking process within Goelett by addressing a crucial feedback regarding the TravelFusion booking experience. Previously, users encountered unclear error messages when attempting to rebook trips they believed had not been successfully processed. This led to confusion and unnecessary attempts to book the same trip again. Our update now clearly displays an […]

Included Analytical Fields in Email Template in case of Draft sharing flow

To provide arrangers with more comprehensive information about drafts, we’ve enhanced the Draft Send to Arranger flow by incorporating analytical fields into the email template. This integration adds valuable insights, allowing arrangers to make informed decisions regarding draft further booking.

Urgent Communication of On-Spot Issues on Hotel Voucher

To address concerns related to travellers not reporting hotel on-spot issues, we made an update to the voucher’s Important Notes section. We replaced the phrase “please contact” with the more emphatic “the traveller should contact immediately.” This change aims to reinforce the importance of prompt communication regarding any on-site issues, empowering travellers to resolve problems […]

Updated Access Support Details from Emails for Offline Reservations

We have enhanced the support communication process by providing direct access to support details from emails (offline reservation). When users receive confirmation vouchers via email, they will now have the option to view dedicated support contact information from the email itself. Additionally, admins can now provide two support email addresses or two phone numbers, allowing […]

[Trainline] Multipax Booking Management with Individual Traveller Cancellations

Building upon our previous enhancement to the multi-passenger booking approval process, we are now introducing the ability to cancel individual trip members independently within multipax Trainline bookings. This feature complements the existing approach, which ensures that only authorized individuals can approve or reject services for the entire booking. With this latest addition, arrangers gain even […]

Synchronize User Deactivations across Goelett and Sabre

We have addressed an issue related to user deactivations by ensuring that when a user is deactivated in Goelett, their profile is also deactivated in Sabre. This synchronization eliminates the possibility of ex-employees accessing their Sabre profiles and potentially committing fraud. This ensures that only active users have access to Goelett and Sabre, minimizing the […]

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