Product Knowledge


What are statuses in Goelett?

What are statuses in Goelett?

Draft – a service is added to the shopping cart, but not yet booked

Booking In Progress – temporary status, used when user click Book or Hold button, after booking all services (and handle booking errors) should be changed to valid status

Hold – a service has been put on hold

Pending Approval – a trip is waiting for an approval

Rejected – a trip has been rejected by the workflow approval process, but has not been cancelled yet (due to approval configuration or immediate ticketing)

Reject to Modify – a trip has be rejected in WA and send back to traveller for modification

Confirmed – a trip is booked and confirmed but can be pending ticket issuing in case of air and rail. For Hotel bookings voucher is available only on this status.

Cancelled – a trip has been cancelled (same as now all segments need to be cancelled for whole trip to have status cancelled)

Offline – a trip has been modified outside Goelett (PNR, iAlbatros). Trip can be moved to offline state from any state other than Draft (not booked trip). This is final state.

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